Set against a backdrop of blue sky, white clouds, and a yellow sunrise are the words, "LGBTQ+ Interfaith Allyship Summit: Creating Fellowship in Faith Beyond Tolerance, August 24."

In consideration of different levels of financial privilege, we are offering three ticket tiers for the Summit on a sliding scale—a $10 ticket, a $25 ticket, and a $50 ticket. Regardless of the ticket tier you choose, your space at the event will be reserved. However, if you can afford to choose a more expensive ticket tier, we encourage you to do so. The earnings from the higher ticket tiers will go directly toward the costs of hosting the event as well as subsidizing the most affordable ticket level.

If you have any questions about the Summit, or to request any reasonable accommodations that will facilitate your full experience of the Summit, please contact

A photo in a yellow frame depicting an older man in a pink shirt that says, "Protect Trans Kids" pointing to a whiteboard during a presentation

Call to submit workshop and affinity group proposals!

The first half of our day will include educational workshops that we hope touch on topics such as finding allyship in your religion’s sacred text and strategies on reaching the LGBTQ+ youth in your faith community. Educational workshops will run from 10:00-11:10 a.m. and 11:20 a.m.-12:30 p.m. (subject to shift slightly as we finalize the schedule for the summit).

In the afternoon, we will have a series of affinity groups based on faith. If you’re interested in bringing people of your faith together to discuss what you’ve learned throughout the day and how to turn that information into action in your community, this is for you! We hope to have as many faiths represented as possible.

Proposals for workshops AND affinity groups are due by July 12. You will hear back by July 17; confirmation will be needed by July 26.

A photo in a yellow frame depicting PFLAG staff member Shelby wearing a light blue colored shirt with their hands in their pockets tabling for PFLAG outside

Call to table at the Summit’s exhibitor fair!

Part of what makes coming together like this so special is the ability to share resources and bring information back to our communities. Whether you represent an organization, a congregation, or a group of dedicated people in community, we invite you to table with us for the day. Our exhibitor fair will be up in the afternoon during lunch from 12:30-2:30 p.m. 

Tabling applications are due by July 12. You will hear back by July 17; confirmation will be needed by July 26.

A yellow heart with the PFLAG NYC logo inside of it in white