Name & Gender Change Workshop for Parents of TNB Youth

The Gender Recognition Act (GRA) is updating New York law to make it easier to change name and gender markers for trans and nonbinary (TNB) people of all ages. It’s great news for our community.

When it comes to families with trans and non-binary children, parents appreciate some guidance even as the process becomes easier. Following on the big turnout for our last workshop in November, we’ve invited Charlie Arrowood back for another session that will incorporate all the latest information now that the first round of GRA changes have come into effect.

Join us on February 15 at 7 p.m. for our 2nd Name and Gender Change Workshop with attorney Charlie Arrowood.

The workshop will be livestreamed with Q&A on YouTube, Facebook, and LinkedIn.  After the event is over, the recorded livestream will be on PFLAG NYC’s YouTube channel.

Please note, the workshop will be focused on the law and situation in New York state, but we welcome attendees from all over for background knowledge.

About Charlie Arrowood

Charlie Arrowood (they/them) is an attorney licensed in New York state. They primarily provide transition-related legal services to transgender clients, including name and gender marker change assistance and guidance regarding health insurance coverage and employment matters.

In addition to their private practice, Charlie is Name Change Project Counsel at the Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund (TLDEF), where they manage the Name Change Project’s advocacy efforts, develop materials, and provide technical assistance to TLDEF’s pro bono partners.

Charlie is a Commissioner on the Richard C. Failla LGBTQ Commission of the New York State Courts, the Chair of the LGBTQ Committee of the Nassau County Bar Association, and a board member at Gender Equality NY. Charlie is also the recipient of the LGBT Bar Association of New York’s 2021 Community Excellence Award and was named one of the National LGBT Bar Association’s 2021 Top 40 Lawyers Under 40. They are a parent of two and graduate of Tulane University (B.A. History, 2009) and New York Law School (2013).

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