What Can I Do to Make My School Safe for LGBTQ+ Youth?

No matter what your role, here are 5 things you can do

If you’re a student:

  • Doing nothing can be worse than the act itself: Report harassment, bullying, or threats targeted at LGBTQ+ students to a trusted teacher or advisor.
  • Encourage your teachers to address homophobia and transphobia in the classroom by posting safe-space posters, stopping hate speech, and supporting gender and sexuality alliances (GSAs).
  • Watch what you say: Don’t use words associated with being LGBTQ+ as euphemisms for stupid and explain to friends and peers who do why they shouldn’t.
  • Ask your school to address LGBTQ+ issues by having a Pride Week, bringing a speaker to your school, and talking about sexual orientation and gender identity in class.
  • Support your LGBTQ+ peers by joining a GSA. Remember, A stands for ally!

If you’re a teacher:

  • Stop hate speech in your classroom. Speak out if you hear a student in your class or in the halls using slurs, or “gay” and other words as a put-downs or insults.
  • Ask your administrator for the opportunity to attend “Respect for All” training for diversity and LGBTQ+ issues.
  • Participate in educators’ conferences, and speak to current and future teachers about being allies for LGBTQ+ staff and students.
  • Post safe-space posters, materials, or just talk to your students about why your classroom a safe space, free of harassment, bias, and violence.
  • Support GSAs (now commonly known as gender and sexuality alliances, and previously as gay-straight alliances), chaperon LGBTQ+ positive proms, and help LGBTQ+ students and staff advocate for fair school policies.

If you’re an administrator or guidance counselor:

  • Reach out to both parents and students to help make them aware that peers may be struggling with sexual orientation or gender identity.
  • Meet with teachers and parents to help them learn about the issues that their students, children, or their children’s peers may be facing as a LGBTQ+ person.
  • Make sure your library, school healthcare workers, and health teachers include accurate information about gender identity, LGBTQ+ sexuality, and health.
  • Let students know that your office is open to them, should they need support speaking about bullying, violence, harassment, or conflict at home.
  • Understand the NYC DOE resources that help you create a school that is supportive of LGBTQ+ students. Check out the:
  1. Guidelines to Support Transgender and Gender Expansive Students
  2. Guidelines on Gender Inclusion
  3. “Respect for All” program
  4. Chancellor’s Regulation on Bias-Related Harassment and Bullying
  5. LGBTQ+ Supports for NYC Schools

If you’re a parent:

  • Understand the issues and terms associated with LGBTQ+ issues, and teach your children what you learn.
  • Talk to your kids about hate speech, bullying, and acceptance. Let them know that not participating in these activities, and standing up for others, earns your respect.
  • Work with your PTA to create allied groups in your community, focused on making your school safer.
  • Write to local papers and contact your school administrators to make it known that your family and your community are concerned about safe school issues.
  • Let your children know that you accept them, their friends, and their peers, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. Make your home a supportive and open space.
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