Support & Discussion Groups Continue Online in May

Starting in mid-March, we’ve taken all PFLAG NYC support meetings online. It’s been uplifting to find new ways to sustain the PFLAG NYC community in this period of social distancing, and many have been surprised how readily they’ve built strong virtual relationships. The feedback has been positive, and we’re looking forward to running all our regularly scheduled meetings online. For the foreseeable future, all our meetings will be online.

Online meetings take place using Zoom. Because it’s a little more difficult to keep focus on a virtual meeting compared to being in person, we’re slightly shortening the duration of most meetings, but otherwise they will take place at the same times when our physical meetings would have.

Here’s the schedule of online meetings for May:     

  • Sunday, May 3 – 12:00 to 2:00 p.m.:  Stepping Stones Support Group for parents of transgender and gender-creative kids
  • Saturday, May 9 – 3:00 to 4:00 p.m.: El Amor Hace La Familia – Love Makes a Family Support Group for the Latino Community in Spanish
  • Sunday, May 10 – 10:00 to 11:30 a.m.: TransFamilies Project – Weekend Meeting for those with transgender, gender non-binary and gender non-forming loved ones. Note: This will be a morning meeting instead of the usual afternoon schedule.
  • Sunday, May 10 – 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.: API Rainbow Parents Afternoon Tea for members of the Asian & Pacific Island community who are LGBTQ+, their parents and other loved ones.
  • Sunday, May 10 – 3:00 to 4:30 p.m.: General Support Weekend Meeting for parents, family members, LGBTQ+ people and anyone looking to stay close and keep relationships strong when a loved one is LGBTQ+
  • Monday, May 18 – 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.: General Support Weeknight Meeting for parents, family members, LGBTQ+ people and anyone looking to stay close and keep relationships strong when a loved one is LGBTQ+. Note: This meeting takes place a week earlier than usual due to Memorial Day.
  • Tuesday, May 26 – 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.: TransFamilies Project – Weeknight Meeting for those with transgender, gender non-binary and gender non-forming loved ones.

In order to maintain the safety and intimacy of our online support meetings, we ask you to fill out this short intake form in order to join any one of the above meetings. Once we get your information, we will provide instructions and a link to join the online group.

If you’ve already joined one of our online meetings previously and completed the intake form for that meeting, then you do not need to complete it again, but you must email to RSVP and let us know which meetings you will attend.

Sign up for online meetings here