
A graphic with a light purple background features the title "Triple-A Town Hall Network" in bold black text. To the left is a large letter "A" with the words "Activism," "Advocacy," and "Allyship" surrounding it in teal, purple, and coral colors. In the background, there is a faint illustration of a hand holding a microphone with small star shapes scattered around.

Inaugural Triple-A Town Hall Meeting

As part of PFLAG NYC’s Triple-A Town Hall Network that focuses on activism, advocacy, and allyship, we host a monthly town hall-style meeting where we intentionally engage in brainstorming conversations […]

1-on-1 Support Coach Training event image featuring retro rainbow patterns on a light yellow background. Purple text reads "1-on-1 Support Coach Training."

Support Coach Training

One of the ways you can volunteer with us at PFLAG NYC is by becoming a 1-on-1 support coach. Our support coaching is a free and confidential service available to

1-on-1 Support Coach Training event image featuring retro rainbow patterns on a light yellow background. Purple text reads "1-on-1 Support Coach Training."

Support Coach Training

One of the ways you can volunteer with us at PFLAG NYC is by becoming a 1-on-1 support coach. Our support coaching is a free and confidential service available to