“When Your Child Is Gay” – Author Reading & Book Talk on June 27

Join us for a reading and conversation with authors Wesley Davidson and Jonathan Tobkes

_When Your Child Is Gay_ Book Cover

With Pride month in June comes a brand new book for parents of gay children. When Your Child Is Gay: What You Need to Know is being released at the beginning of the month and the authors will come to PFLAG NYC’s Upper West Side meeting on June 27 for a book reading followed by Q&A.

Wesley Davidson, a PFLAG mother and blogger at Straight Parent, Gay Kid, and Dr. Jonathan Tobkes, M.D., a psychiatrist who works with patients around LGBT issues, have joined forces to provide a road map so that families can navigate the sometimes rocky, emotional terrain when a child comes out.

Combining real-life stories of relationships of gay children and their parents told by Ms. Davidson with insights from Dr. Tobkes’ professional practice, the book provides a wealth of useful advice for avoiding heart ache and building strong relationships.

At the book talk, Ms. Davidson will read book excerpts while Dr. Tobkes discusses the issues that come up in seeing parents and LGBT people in practice. There will be a moderated discussion with the authors followed by open Q&A with the audience.

Refreshments will be served. Books will be available for purchase at the talk.

“If a gay, lesbian, or bisexual teen could hand their parents a comprehensive manual that would help them understand, navigate, and wisely deal with the challenges that both they and their parents face, that guidebook would be When Your Child is Gay: What You Need to Know. It will make a bumpy ride a whole lot smoother.”

— Phyllis Schneider – former editor-in-chief of YM magazine, contributing editor of Parents magazine, and features editor of Seventeen magazine.

Event Details

“When Your Child Is Gay” – Author Reading & Book Talk
with Wesley Davidson & Jonathan Tobkes
Monday, June 27, 2016 – 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.

JCC Manhattan
334 Amsterdam Ave. at 76th Street
[Map] [Transit Directions]

The event is free and open to all.

Doors will open at 7:00 p.m. The talk will begin at 7:20 p.m. Refreshments will be served.

RSVP info@pflagnyc.org – not required, but helpful to us for planning. For more information, please email info@pflagnyc.org

About the Authors

Wesley C. DavidsonDr. Jonathan L. Tobkes, M.D.
Photo: Wesley C. DavidsonPhoto: Dr. Jonathan L. Tobkes, M.D.
Wesley Cullen Davidson is an award-winning freelance writer and journalist for such publications as Adoptive Families, Good Housekeeping, and Family Fun with focus on parenting in a gay and lesbian context. The mother of a gay son, Ms. Davidson writes a popular blog on parenting gay children, straightparentgaykid.blogspot.com and has guest blogged for parenting websites on the topic of raising gay children. She lives in Vero Beach, Florida.Jonathan L. Tobkes, M.D., is a practicing psychiatrist in Manhattan. His patients include many gay/lesbian people as well as the straight parents of lesbians and gays. A cum laude Yale University graduate, Dr. Tobkes currently teaches and supervises psychiatry residents at the New York-Presbyterian Weill Cornell Medical Center in Manhattan. He lives in New York City with his husband and their two children.